Library statutes
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1. General
- The library of the Max Planck Institutes, as a dedicated scientific library, is a common institution of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart and Tübingen, as well as the Administration (hereinafter reffered to as MPIs).
- The library statutes govern the relationship between the library and its users and de-termine its use. When entering the library, users accept the library statutes. Users of the library are obliged to comply with the library statutes.
2. Access to the library
- The opening hours of the library are: Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
- The library is accessible day and night for employees of the MPIs with an MPIs identity card.
- Those who are neither employees nor guests of the MPIs are only allowed to enter the library after having signed on with the library staff during opening hours. At reception in Heisenbergstr. 1 or 3 they will be given a guest identity card which must be kept clearly visible. Guests are obliged to return the identity card to reception after the closure of the library at the latest.
3. Use
- New users are required to attend an introduction to the library.
- Every user is obliged to put back all media after use.
- Carrels may not be reserved and users should tidy their carrel before leaving.
- Only employees and guests of the Max Planck Society are allowed to access the full text versions of the electronic journals library (EZB). When using the EZB, the terms of use of the respective publisher are to be observed:
- The user is only allowed to print or record full text versions for personal use or re-search purposes.
- Systematic download of articles or search results, especially by robots, is prohib-ited.
- Smoking, eating, drinking and the use of mobile phones are prohibited. Animals are not allowed in the library.
- Users of the library are requested to be quiet.
4. Borrowing
- Employees and guests of the MPIs are allowed to borrow the available lit-erature for personal use. Borrowed media have to stay within the MPIs. If the user is absent, he or she has to make sure that the media are accessible to the staff of the library at any time. Persons who are neither employees nor guests of the Stuttgart MPIs are not allowed to borrow any media.
- All users must book out the media they want according to the current borrowing system. Users are responsible for ensuring that borrowed media are returned on time.
- The library staff may recall media that are not properly booked out or that are over-due.
- If an employee borrows media from another employee, he or she must rebook those media to their own user account.
- Media that are marked as non-circulation collections cannot be borrowed.
5. Inter-library loan / supply of documents (only for employees of the MPIs)
- Literature that is not available in the library can be ordered by inter-library borrow-ing.
- Holdings which are only available at the University of Stuttgart library but not for lending have to be viewed there or copied. The library offers copy cards for this purpose. For employees from Tübingen the library staff can make copies.
- Articles from journals in the library’s archives can be ordered.
6. Computer workstations
- The computer workstations in the library are for scientific use only; use of the re-search workstations for other purposes is prohibited.
- The “MPI - Solid State Research Rules for Computer and Network Security” and the “Rules for Use for the EDP Infrastructure at the MPI for Intelligent Systems” apply.
7. Authority/Checks/Lost Property
- The rooms of the library are subject to the statutes of both MPIs. The head of the library exercises authority on behalf of the Managing Directors of both MPIs. The head may authorise other library personnel to exercise such author-ity.
- If an internal user contravenes the rules and regulations of the library statutes seri-ously or repeatedly, or the relationship between the user and the library becomes un-tenable for any reason, the head of the library will inform the head of the respective institute immediately.
A user can be barred temporarily or permanently from using the library of the Stutt-gart MPIs by a written or verbal order on the part of the institutes’ management. All obligations resulting from the relationship between the institutes and the user will remain valid after the exclusion. - Users must show their user identity card if asked to do so by a member of the library staff.
- The library staff are, with reasonable cause, allowed to examine briefcases, bags or other cases in order to check their contents.
- Any items left in the library will be treated as lost property and handed over to the facility management.
Coming into effect
The library’s rules will come into effect after signing.
Library statutes as PDF
- Library statutes 271.25 kB